4 Playing The Game

4.1 Game Setup

1. Choose an Adversary

Each game encompasses a Hunt for a dangerous and terrifying Foe, the Adversary, so the first step of setting up for a game is for the players to select an Adversary as the target of the Hunt.

Players can choose from the Adversaries in The Adversary or develop one of their own based on the guidelines provided there. In campaign play, the Adversary for a Hunt might be determined by events in a previous game or the evolving story between play sessions. Take the time to prepare the Model for it and any Minions to the best of your ability. While the Cazadores are the protagonists, the Adversary is the centrepiece and they should serve as a ferocious and intimidating enemy.

The entries for the Adversaries provide broad descriptions of these terrors but they are meant to be a source of inspiration, not strict representations. Use any Model you see fit to represent the Adversary and any other Model in the game. Interpreting the entries is part of the fun!

2. Rally The Pack

A Pack is always composed of 2-4 Models with one Cazador per player. The rest of the Models in a Pack are composed of Companions. See the table for Player Models in Game to determine how many Companions each player is allowed during the Hunt.

Table 4.1: Player Models in A Hunt
Players Cazadores Companions
1 1 1-3
2 1 per player 1 per player
3 1 per player None
4 1 per player None

4.1.1 3. Arrange The Play Area {-}

Set up a Play Area that is approximately 24” x 24” and place appropriate Terrain for the encounter with the Adversary. If you are using the Scouting & Preparation phase as described in the Narrative Rules chapter, it might provide some guidance as to what Terrain is appropriate.

Have the Cazadores tracked the Adversary to its lair? Has the Adversary attacked the city and is currently rampaging through its streets? Any of these scenarios is feasible and ripe for ideas to use in designing the Play Area.

Once all the Terrain has been placed, the players should take the time to discuss which pieces of Terrain are considered to be of each Terrain Type, and which sections of the Borders are considered Exits, to reduce confusion during play.

4. Set Up Objectives

Cazadores is most rewarding as a game when the players are also attempting to achieve additional Objectives beyond defeating the Adversary. For your first game, you might play without Objectives but after that we recommend you use the Objectives rules.

If you’re playing with Objectives, at this stage you should follow special setup rules outlined there. Note that these might impact other parts of Game Setup.

5. Deploy Models

Deploying Foes

To deploy Foes, make a Scatter Roll from the centre of the Play Area and place the Adversary at that position. For the Minions, make a Scatter Roll from the position of the Adversary to place each at their final positions. When deploying Minions, do your best to place them at least 3” away from all other Minions.

You can apply these guidelines with an eye for narrative. To do this, try to place Aggressive Minions so that they form front lines, Defensive Minions behind them, and Sentry Minions orbiting the Objective or the Adversary.

Deploying The Pack

The players then take turns deploying their Cazadores and Companions. Each of these Models must be deployed within 3” of one of the Exits on the Play Area unless the Objective or narrative requires otherwise.

6. Mark The Clocks

Mark the Round Clock to Tick 1 and do the same for the Models’ Personal Clocks. It’s possible that Scouting or Preparation might impact it so that some Models start at later Ticks, adjust accordingly.

7. Embark On The Hunt

After the previous steps are completed, the Hunt begins and the game is played over a series of Rounds divided into Ticks. On each Tick all eligible Models take Turns to act before advancing the Round Clock to the next Tick.

Models are considered “eligible” to take a Turn when their Personal Clocks match the Round Clock. That is, both Clocks are on the same Tick.

4.2 Game Structure

Each game takes place over a series of Rounds, where each Round is made up of 10 Ticks. Ticks are loose units of time that dictate when Models can act and take a Turn.

Executing Rounds

1. Determine Eligible Models

At the beginning of each Round, compare the Tick on the Round Clock to all Models’ Personal Clocks. 
Any Models whose Personal Clocks match the Round Clock are eligible and can take a Turn on this Tick.

2. Break Clock Ties

If multiple Models are eligible to act on this Tick, then you must Break Clock Ties. 
To do so, the Cazador with the greatest Resolve Rating that is eligible on this Tick makes a Leadership Check with a DT equal to the highest Terror Rating of all Foes eligible on this Tick. 

If the Check is successful, that Cazador’s player elects whether the Pack or the Foes resolve their Turns first. On a failure, or if no Cazador is eligible on this Tick, then Foes execute their Turns first. 

When the players’ Models are the only eligible Models , the players choose the order in which Turns are carried out. When only the Foes are eligible on a Tick, the Adversary acts first, then the remaining Minions activate in a random order.

3. Carry Out Turns

Each eligible Model resolves their Turn completely before the next eligible Model resolves their Turn. See Executing Turns.

4. Advance Round Clock

Once all eligible Models have carried out their Turns, advance the Round Clock forward by 1 Tick, then return to step 1 in Executing Rounds.
However, if the Round Clock would advance beyond Tick 10, instead proceed to Ending the Round.

5. Ending The Round

If the Round Clock would advance beyond Tick 10, instead it is reset to Tick 1 and the Round ends.
When the Round ends, check for and resolve any effects that take place at the end of the Round. Conditions and Objectives are the most common sources of effects that are resolved at the end of the Round.
 After resolving the end of the Round, check whether the Hunt ends according to Ending the Hunt.

6. Ending The Hunt

The game is over at the end of the Round when one of the following is true:

  • Slaughter: Either all Pack Models or all Foes are unable to continue because their WNDs have been exhausted.

  • The Pack Flees: All remaining Pack Models have fled the Play Area.
  • Objectives: A special condition dictated by an Objective that ends the Hunt is fulfilled.

During campaigns, the outcome of the Hunt grants Renown based on the degree of success (or failure). To determine the Renown gained (or lost), see The Eternal Hunt.

Executing Turns

1. Declare First Action

All Models can take one free Move Action and one more Action on their Turn in any order they choose.
The Model declares their First Action and advances their Personal Clock by that Action’s Tick Cost unless it is their free Move Action for the Turn.

For Foes, when resolving a Decision Tree that would require the Foe to move, they always use their free Move Action first, reserving their second Action for their Attack, unless that Action must also be ultimately spent for movement.

2. Execute First Action

After paying the Tick Cost for their First Action, the Model attempts any Checks required for their Action and any results from success or failure take effect. 
The first Action must be resolved completely before the second Action is declared.

3. Declare Second Action

The Model declares their second Action and advances their Personal Clock by its Tick Cost.

4. Execute Second Action

The Model attempts any Checks required for their second Action and results of success or failure take place. The Model then proceeds to Ending the Turn.

5. Ending The Turn

After executing their second Action, the Model ends their Turn and any effects that occur at the end of that Model’s Turn are resolved.


Action Types

The different Actions available to each Model are categorized under three Types: Movement Actions, Combat Actions, and Special Actions.

Throughout the game, these Types are used to refer to all Actions under each Type. For example, conditions or other effects might place a Model at Disadvantage to perform all actions of a specific Type.

Free Move Action

During its Turn, every Model receives a free Move Action, such that they can execute it without paying for its Tick Cost. If a Model chooses not to use its Move Action, treat it as if it executed a Move Action choosing to move 0”.
 Foes can exchange their free Move Action for the Recover Action but the players’ Models cannot. See Foe Move and Recover Actions.

Cost of The Pass Actions

If a Model foregoes taking an Action during their Turn, they are treated as executing the Pass Action and advance their Personal Clock by 1 Tick.
Note that choosing not to use the free Move Action does not count as taking a Pass Action. Instead, it is treated as taking the free Move Action but choosing to move 0”.

4.3 Actions

4.3.1 Movement Actions

Cover Ground (3 Ticks)

The Model attempting the Action makes an Athletics Check. If successful, the Model can move up to its Speed (SPD) plus 1” for each Success rolled. On a failure, the Model cannot move.

Remember that Models pay an Action’s Tick cost prior to attempting the relevant Check and regardless of its outcome.

Move (2 Ticks)

The Model taking this Action can move up to its Speed.

4.3.2 Situational Movement

Jumping and Leaving

Models can “leap” over any Terrain less than or equal to 1” tall as if it was 0” tall.
 Models can also “jump” over any chasms or the like if their movement will allow them to “land” on the other side.

Climbing and Falling

For Terrain that is over 1” tall, Models can “climb” by spending movement to move vertically up Terrain.
When climbing, a Model must end its Turn on a part of the Terrain that allows them to hold the position until their next Turn. This might vary across Hunts. A cliff face might be treated differently during a storm than clear weather. 

A Model struck by an Attack, or that ends their Turn on unstable Terrain might suffer damage. To do so, make a Melee Attack against them treating the fall in inches as the Attack’s Rating.

4.3.3 Combat Actions

Attack (3 Ticks)

The Model attempting the Action makes a Melee or Shooting Check with Difficulty Threshold (DT) equal to their Target’s relevant Defence. The Skill and relevant Defence used for the Check is determined by the Weapon. 

Additionally, the Weapon used in the Action must be Readied and the Target must be within the Weapon’s Range and within Line of Sight (LOS). If successful, the Model deals Wounds (WNDs) equal to the Successes rolled plus the Weapon’s Power (POW). 

Cast Ritual (4 Ticks)

The Model attempting the Action makes a Lore Check with DT 7. Other requirements as outlined within the Ritual’s description must be fulfilled to make the attempt. For example, the Target must be within the Ritual’s Range.
If successful, the effects of the Ritual are applied.

Defend (2 Ticks)

The Model enters a defensive stance. All Models make Attack Actions at Disadvantage against this Model until the start of its next Turn.

Focus (2 Ticks)

The Model prepares for their next Attack. This Model can choose to gain Advantage to its next Attack Action or add or subtract up to 2 from the Hit Location of all WNDs dealt by their next Attack.

With the exception of free Move Actions, The Advantage gained by this Action expires if the next Action taken by this Model is not an Attack.

Hide (3 Ticks)

To attempt this Action, the Model must be within 1” of Obscuring or Blocking Terrain. The Model attempting the Action makes a Stealth Check using the highest Attack (ATK) Rating of all Hostile Models within 3”. If successful, the Model gains the Hidden Condition.

Parry (4 Ticks)

The Model selects a single Target and makes Melee Check with a DT equal to the Target’s ATK. If successful, the next successful Melee Attack by the Target on this Model is cancelled and this Model immediately makes an Attack with Advantage against the Target. This Action expires at the start of this Model’s next Turn.

Reload (1 Tick)

The Model reloads 1 Ammo into a Shooting Weapon.

Spot Weakness (4 Ticks)

To attempt this Action, the Model selects a single Target within 5”. The Model attempting the Action makes a Hunt Check with DT equal to the Target’s Defence Rating. 
If successful, this Model and Friendly Models gain Advantage on Attacks against the Target for the rest of the Round.

Switch (1 Tick)

The Model switches which Weapons or Gear are considered Readied, following any relevant restrictions. See Readied Weapons in Detail in the Combat chapter.

4.3.4 Special Actions

Aid (2 Ticks)

The Model attempting the Action makes a Leadership Check with DT 5. If successful, a Friendly Model within 3” immediately succeeds at a Recover Action.

Flee (3 Ticks)

If the Model is within 1” of an Exit, the Model attempting the Action makes an Athletics Check with DT 7. If successful, the Model leaves the Play Area, escaping the Hunt with their life.

Pass (2 Ticks)

The Model is idle, biding their time.

Recover (2 Ticks)

The Model attempting the Action makes a Fortitude Check with DT 5. If successful, the Model clears one Condition of their choice. 
 Foes use their Terror Rating instead of Fortitude to make the Check. If a Foe is affected by multiple Conditions, randomly determine which Condition is cleared by rolling a die.

Use Gear (3 Ticks)

Model attempts to use a piece of Gear, so long as they meet other requirements for its usage. For example, a Gear that indicates “Must Ready” must be considered Readied prior to attempting this Action. 
The Skill and DT used in the Check is determined by the Gear’s description. 
 If successful, apply the effects of the Gear and, for Gear with limited Ammo, reduce Ammo by 1. On a failure, the effects do not occur but Ammo is still reduced by 1.

Table 4.2: Actions Summary
Name Ticks Effect
Movement Actions
Cover Ground 3 Athletics Check. If successful, move up to SPD + 1” per Success.
Move 2 Model moves up to its SPD.
Combat Actions
Attack 3 Melee or Shooting Check (DT Target DEF) with a Readied Weapon. Success deals Wounds equal to Successes plus Weapon POW.
Cast Ritual 4 Lore Check (DT 7). If successful, apply the selected Ritual’s effects.
Defend 2 Models Attack this Model at Disadvantage until this Model’s next Turn.
Focus 2 Model gains Advantage to next Attack or add/subtract up to 2 from Hit Location of next Attack.
Hide 3 Model must be within 1” of Obscuring or Blocking Terrain. Stealth Check (DT highest Hostile Model ATK within 3”). If successful, gain the Hidden Condition.
Parry 4 Melee Check (DT Target ATK). Next successful Melee Attack by Target on this Model is cancelled and Model Attacks Target with Advantage.
Reload 1 Model reloads 1 Ammo into a Shooting Weapon.
Spot Weakness 4 Hunt Check (DT Target DEF within 5”). This Model and Friendly Models gain Advantage on Attacks against Target for rest of Round.
Switch 1 Model switches which Weapons or Gear are considered Readied.
Special Actions
Aid 2 Leadership Check (DT 5). 1 Model within 3” succeeds at a Recover Action.
Flee 3 Athletics Check (DT 7; within 1” of Exit). Model leaves the Play Area.
Pass 1 The Model is idle.
Recover 2 Fortitude Check (DT 5). Model clears one Condition. Foes use Terror instead of Fortitude to make Check.
Use Gear 3 Model makes use of Gear and applies effects on Success. Skill used in the Check is determined by Gear.